Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kalgoorlie part 2

OK, so the last day in Kalgoorlie we wandered around, had a leisurely breakfast, and we did a tour to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which has a base in Kalgoorlie, really interesting, they do an amazing job servicing remote outback areas.

And more wildflowers....

We also learnt that former American president Herbert Hoover was a mining engineer in and around Kalgoorlie, before his presidential days.  He lived there for some time, and one of the restaurants in one of the hotels is named after him, the Hoover Bar !!  He loved the people at this hotel so much, that when he returned to America, he commissioned this amazing mirror to be made and sent over, and it still has pride of place in the foyer of the hotel...

We had a truly amazing time, and would like to go back and explore more.

Now it's back to the real world, back at work, but only 7 more weeks and that will be school finished for the summer holidays. 

Meanwhile, my eating plan has been slipping a bit.  However, I was really happy that when I weighed in last night, I hadn't put any weight on.  Hadn't lost any either, but that's ok.  I have really been slipping back into pig out mode lately, so I am now going to have my knitting handy, and when I am at home (where most of my pig outs happen), I will just sit for an hour and knit.  It really does take my mind off food.  The knitting diet is born !

My latest work in progress is a lovely little vintage sweater:

I asked my daughter to look through my vintage books to pick out a pattern, and this is what she picked, her reason being that if they were adult sizes, this is what she would like.  I am knitting it in Paton's Dreamtime 3-ply baby wool, it is a lovely pale lemon colour, and is coming along really nicely, but I wonder if anyone else finds that when knitting from really old pattern books, some of the instructions are a little vague.  I think so many people used to knit in those days, that a certain amount of knowledge was "assumed".  Still, it is coming on well now, and am really enjoying it, and it will always remind me of my trip to Kalgoorlie, as I started it on the train.

Happy knitting....

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