Sunday, January 19, 2014

My week so far..

I started my new week (eating week which starts on Fridays) with a bang, completely stuck to my program on Friday and Saturday, the halo around my head was shining so brightly.

On Sunday we went to a friend's baby's naming ceremony, and I did overdo the food intake, not by too much though, so when  I got home I very studiously "approximated" the points values, which I guessed to be a whopping 30, and added it to my tracker.  Then, went for an hour's walk.  The halo had slipped slightly, but was starting to get back in place.

Then, started knitting.  Only had five rows to go of my current project (beanie), couldn't wait to get finished as I am keen to start another one and finish it by Saturday as it is a gift.  Then, the unthinkable happened, I RAN OUT OF WOOL.  Oh no!  I sent an sms to my neighbour and knitting friend Jackie, I had a feeling that she had a ball of the same wool, but no, she didn't.  While all this was going on, I was watching "The Great British Bake Off" on tv.  Big mistake, they had to bake Teacakes, and I couldn't believe it, we had some Tunnoch's Teacakes in the fridge, which our aunty had brought with her when she came for dinner the other night.  So far I had resisted them.

Then guess what happened.....

Yes, 2 teacakes and one icecream later.......

So, this morning, I tracked it all, I still have 20 weekly points (the extras) left for the week, so I am ok.  Back on track this morning, off to see if I can buy another ball of wool, although I have a feeling my quest is doomed, hopefully I will be able to order a ball of it on-line.

The weird thing is, I have made exactly the same beanie with exactly the same wool but a different colour, before, and had no problem.  But when I made that one, when I switched to dpns for the crown, I only had a smaller size, so I used those.  This time, I had bought myself the correct size dpns, which were a bigger size.  That is why I am thinking I may have used slightly more yarn.  Oh well, lesson learnt, always have a little extra wool to what you need!

Happy knitting.....

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