Thursday, January 16, 2014

The damage

Well, last night I went to my first weigh-in for the year.  I must say I was pleasantly surprised.  I hadn't been since the end of November, and what with all the pre-Christmas dining out, Christmas, post-Christmas eating, and then being away on holiday for a week, I had only put on 2.5kg.  I was expecting about 4, so I got a really nice surprise.  It has given me a real boost to tackle this thing now.

What I like about Weight Watchers this year is that they have given you another option to follow, they now have three different eating plans:  PointsPlus, Filling and Healthy, and their new plan, Simple Start.  I think the points system will generally still suit me better, as we eat out a lot, and I can fit eating out into the program.  However, the other two are going to be really good on a week when we are not going out, so my plan is to alternate the weeks depending on what we have on.  The challenge will be to fit ANY of the plans in when things come up spontaneously - oh dear, that is always my downfall.

So, this week we are going to a friend's baby's naming ceremony, so it will be the points system this week.  I am about to plan today's food.

I am really enjoying knitting my current project, the green beanie, I am hoping to have it finished by the end of the weekend, as I want to start another one for a friend's birthday.  She won't quite get it in time for her birthday, but better late than never!!  So, tomorrow, off to the wool shop to buy some wool in her favourite colour !  Hmmm, I think there might be  a sale on too............

Happy knitting... 

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