Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Estonian Lace scarf chapter 1

Oh, I am in knitter's heaven.  I am really enjoying making this scarf, the pattern is so intricate.  But, let me tell you about my eating yesterday.

I only took good healthy food to work, but over in the corner of our office, where the little kitchen is, there was one container full of my favourite biscuits, and another container full of..... chocolate cake, oh, yum.

Oh my goodness, how I wanted to devour some, especially the biscuits, I don't know why I had such a craving.  So I decided to take one hour at a time.  I was a little naughty and put my work down, got my Estonian lace knitting book out of my bag, and just sat for 10 minutes studying the "how to" section.  It completely took my mind of food, and I was able to concentrate on my work again.

Then, when the bell went for the end of the day (I work in a school library), and I have to stay an extra hour on my own supervising students, the biscuits were calling to me again!  Just hang on, I kept telling myself.  Just hang on, knitting tonight, knitting tonight, knitting tonight, but only if I behave myself.

It worked, I got home from work, got the exercise clothes on for a session with my PT who also happens to be my youngest daughter, then had a nice dinner of left over chicken with salad, and toast.  I made two pieces of toast, because I was really hungry, but then, I threw a piece on to my hubby's plate. I really didn't need it, and felt quite satisfied with what I had.  I then treated myself to a little low fat sweet treat, then got stuck into my knitting.  I am so glad I stuck to my eating plan, because the knitting was worth it.

I added about another inch, and I have put my first lifeline in, so now I can do the next few rows with a feeling of safety and security, funny that, the knitting lifeline saves my knitting, but my knitting is becoming the lifeline that saves my health from my bad eating habits!  A win win all around. 

Now, to get through today !!!

Happy knitting.....

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